
professional development with practical benefits for everyday work


Maren Deckers, commercial employee at RJ Lasertechnik, is completing a part-time degree.

Maren Deckers has been part of the RJ Lasertechnik GmbH team for a good five years. She joined the company in 2017 as an apprentice in office management and is currently studying part-time at the technical college for business in Geilenkirchen. As part of her studies, she has created a project that also provides her with valuable assistance for her day-to-day work at the company. In this interview, Maren Deckers explains her motivations and ambitions.

What made you decide to take up evening studies alongside your full-time job? 

I believe that it is important to continue developing professionally today, as the demands of the job market are constantly increasing. In addition, professional qualifications are also a good investment in the future from a financial point of view.

What exactly are you studying and what degree are you aiming for? 

I am studying part-time at the Fachschule für Wirtschaft in Geilenkirchen, specializing in accounting. I would like to complete my training as a state-certified business economist with a Bachelor Professional in Economics. 

What topic did you choose for your project work and what particularly interested you about it?
I chose the topic: "Digitization of the ordering process with consideration of key figures" because this process is in my professional field of work. I can then apply the results directly in my daily work. Incidentally, I did the project work together with a fellow student who works in a different company. How do you feel about "going to school" alongside your full-time job? Attending classes three evenings a week is exhausting and requires a lot of time and energy. But ultimately, these are challenges that you have to face if you want to achieve your goal.

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professional development
professional development

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