
360° inspection: AI-supported quality control


Surface analysis with two high-resolution cameras and AI-controlled image processing in the clean room at RJ Lasertechnik.

High-precision cleanroom production at RJ Lasertechnik has been raised to a new level with an innovative quality control system. The new system, which was developed by our partner MABRI-VISION and tailored to our specific requirements, uses AI-supported image processing to perform a 360° inspection of the components. Two high-resolution cameras capture every detail of the surface while a robot moves the components precisely. The inspection is carried out under both white light and black light in order to detect organic contamination and chemical residues in addition to mechanical damage. 

The image data is analyzed immediately, evaluated by the AI and archived in an inspection document. This pioneering detection system significantly shortens the inspection time of an A4-sized component, reducing the overall processing time by 90% and speeding up and streamlining the entire process immensely. 

The new inspection system is used for both incoming and outgoing inspections in the clean room and ensures that our customers always receive products of the highest quality

AI-supported quality control
AI-supported quality control

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