Customer project: Schlesinger
Customer project: Schlesinger

Customer project: Schlesinger GmbH

Laser cutting system for operation with different working gases

That was the task.

Development and production of a compact laser cutting system for the multi-dimensional processing of bursting disks and similar components. Spherical contours are to be produced in a processing area of 500 x 500 x 300 mm. Laser fine cuts are performed in pulsed mode with different working gases.

And this is how we solved it.

A pulsed QCW fiber laser with 150 W average power and 1500 pulse power as well as the best beam quality (single-mode optical fiber, TEM00) was selected as the laser source.

Processing optics with capacitive distance sensors ensure that the nozzle distance to the surface is maintained, even when cutting components spatially. The axes were equipped with linear motors or torque motors to ensure high dynamics and freedom from wear.

Despite its compact dimensions, the protective cabin supported by the granite foundation has a very large operating door. This was designed as a motorized sectional door with generous protective glazing.

The protective cabin rests on a granite foundation and is equipped with a large, motorized operating door with integrated protective glazing.

The side walls of the cab can also be opened for easy access and, with their protective glass, contribute to the transparent appearance of the entire machine.

The control electronics, a CNC controller of the latest Fanuc generation, and the IPG fiber laser are fully integrated into the rear of the machine.

Customer project: Schlesinger
Customer project: Schlesinger

Image: Laser cutting system for the multidimensional processing of rupture disks

A switching device from Hoerbiger was used for the program-controlled selection of gas type and gas pressure. The gas type and pressure can be selected as required in the CNC program and changed during the machining process.

The result:

Transparent appearance, state-of-the-art drive and laser technology.

Linear motor drive, QCW fiber laser, granite and CNC technology from the market leader.


Schlesinger GmbH

Projekt Schlesinger


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